Landless and not owning any means of agricultural production except their labour power, farm- workers are distinct from farmers. But due to a long history of colonization that distorted agricultural development in poor countries and aggravated by flawed national agricultural development programmes and the impact of neoliberal restructuring in agriculture in recent decades, such distinction becomes less and less clear-cut especially with regard to small, poor farmers. Landlessness has been aggravated by increasing land and resource grabbing combined with longstanding lack of genuine agrarian reform.

Programme of Action

  • Land and resource grabs
  • Lack of genuine agrarian and aquatic reforms
  • Organise at the local level, organise at the critical point (e.g. right before harvest of cotton and food crops such as rice)
  • Political education that includes organizing, issues and concepts, ecological agriculture, alliance building, various skills and tactics to build resistance at the local level, understanding laws or the lack of it, collective ownership of land
  • Strengthen organisations of landless agricultural workers, fishersholk, forest dwellers
  • Build resistance at the community level against land grabbing – strategic planning, other skills mentioned above
  • Based on the local condition, campaign for basic social services
  • Support for local struggles
  • Collaborate with global campaign networks and coalitions
  • Information sharing system for the general public, using alternative
    sources and social media
  • Coordinated research or study on existing land grabbing ‘laws’ including international laws or protocols


Scarcity, Insecurity and Poverty: Agricultural Workers Amid the Global Financial Crunch
1.71 MB

Scarcity, Insecurity and Poverty: Agricultural Workers Amid the Global Financial Crunch

Scaling Out Agroecology in the South East
1.44 MB

Scaling Out Agroecology in the South East

Building Community Resistance Against Land Grabbing
5.23 MB

Building Community Resistance Against Land Grabbing

For Land, Rights and Resources: Stories of Resistance
5.11 MB

For Land, Rights and Resources: Stories of Resistance

Food Security and the Changing Climate: Case Studies of Community Adaptation Strategies
1.10 MB

Food Security and the Changing Climate: Case Studies of Community Adaptation Strategies

The Real Tresppasers: Landgrabbing in the name of Palm Oil in Southern Philippines
1.28 MB

The Real Tresppasers: Landgrabbing in the name of Palm Oil in Southern Philippines